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February Sale: Buy a 2-Player Game get a second Half Off!
February Sale: Buy a 2-Player Game get a second Half Off!

Star Wars: Rebellion - Rise of the Empire

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Original price $44.99 - Original price $44.99
Original price $44.99
$44.99 - $44.99
Current price $44.99
New leaders. New missions. New tactic cards that lead to more fully cinematic combats… Rise
of the Empire is an expansion for Star Wars™: Rebellion inspired largely by Rogue
One. And just as the movie provided new insight into the Galactic Civil War presented in the
original Star Wars trilogy, Rise of the Empire adds new depth and story to your
Rebellion game experience. You can send Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor to recover the
Death Star plans. You can confuse Imperials with false orders and assaults behind enemy lines. You
can command Director Krennic and his finest death troopers. And you can set traps for the Rebel
pilots and soldiers, luring them away from their base and into massive battles with more fully
cinematic combat and tactics. Even Jabba the Hutt makes an appearance, offering his services to the
Empire and feeding his prisoners to the Sarlaac. Altogether, Rise of the Empire
introduces eight new leaders, thirty-six plastic miniatures, five target markers, two attachment
rings, three new dice, and more than one-hundred new cards. You'll find U-wings, TIE Strikers,
Nebulon-B frigates, and the Interdictor. You'll gain new ways of subverting your opponent's
plans, and you'll discover a whole new chapter in your ongoing Galactic Civil
War! This is not a standalone product. A copy of
the Star Wars™: Rebellion Core Set is required
to play.