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February Sale: Buy a 2-Player Game get a second Half Off!
February Sale: Buy a 2-Player Game get a second Half Off!

Games Lair 600+ Red

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Original price $79.99 - Original price $79.99
Original price $79.99
$79.99 - $79.99
Current price $79.99
The Games’ Lair 600+ is a collection of our very best thinking, a truly smartall‑in‑one solution. This innovative product will meet even the most complex gamingneeds. The Games’ Lair 600+ can hold a vast variety of games, gamingaccessories, miniatures, and card-related games. INGENIOUS: The fullyremovable cover easily converts into a magnetic dice tray! The Games‘Lair 600+ can hold 600 double-sleevedor 800 single-sleeve cards in the main compartment. If card storage isnot the purpose, the acrylic divider can be removed to store any kind ofdeck boxes, games, or accessories. It contains a total of 4 drawers: 2removable drawers with ingenious magnetic flaps for sleeved cards ortokens plus 2 additional extra-large trays for even more tokens, dice,accessories, etc. The top-level compartment of the Games’ Lair 600+ can be used for life pads,oversized cards, traditional writing pads, to store pen-and-paper accessories, etc. With ourhighly rated CONVERTIBLE system the removable cover clips onto thebottom saving precious space on your gaming table when opened. Powerful magnets together with ourinnovative locking mechanism provide a secure closure. Optimized for Gamegenic Sleeves. Sleeves from other brands may affectcapacity/compatibility “Pokémon™“ is a reg. trademark of Nintendo Co., Ltd.“Marvel Champions“ © MARVEL. “Arkham Horror LCG™” and “KeyForge®” arereg. trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games Inc. “Terraforming Mars™” is a reg.trademark of FryxGames. “Magic: The Gathering™” is a reg. trademark of Wizards ofthe Coast LLC.®. All rights reserved by their respective trademark holders. The representation ofcompatibility does not infer challenge of intellectual property rights, nor the endorsement of ourproducts by the represented company.