Boop the Halls Little Dickens Add On
[Requires the base game "boop the Halls!" to play!!!]
The hoomans are hanging ornaments on the highest boughs of the tree, but those clever cats are leaping up and boopin' them right off. You can win "nice" by lining up three cats or "naughty" by knocking off three of your opponent's ornaments!
... at least, it would be that simple, if not for the Ghosts of Boopmas and Jacob Meowly!
Jacob Meowly, The Ghost of Boopmas Psst Psst, and The Ghost of Boopmas Yet to Pounce add a new challenge and level of strategy to the game. They spook pieces over and around each other while juggling owners based on who's behind.
Players: 2
Ages: 10 and up
Time: 30 Minutes
the Ghosts of Boopmas! A Little Dickens of an Expansion for boop the Halls! $12.00Price Quantity Expected to ship September